Title: Lightning Strikes (An Andromeda Spencer Novel Book 1)
Author: Theresa Parker
Publisher: Theresa Parker
Pages: 154
As if being struck by lightning wasn’t bad enough. I spent a month in a coma. Of course that was when I was a teenager. It left me with some pretty unusual abilities. For instance, I can find just about anything or anyone. Oh, and I can see ghosts, too!
I pick up extra cash working with the local P.D. I’m their go-to girl when they have someone they need to find. Despite all of this, my life is pretty boring — that is until the very hot Detective Nick Cavanaugh came into my life. Boy did we get off on the wrong foot. I was asked to pair up with Detective Cavanaugh to look for three missing children. Did I mention that he doesn’t believe in my superpowers?
When we discover the children have been kidnapped, the search takes us up into the mountains and old mining towns. With time running out and my abilities going wonky, Cavanaugh is ready to drop me from the case. Pffft! As if that will stop me!
—Andromeda Spencer
Theresa Parker was born California where she continues to live with her husband and sons.
Theresa is an avid reader and whenever she finished reading a book, she would imagine new characters and insert them into the existing story. She loves anything crafty and going to the local Indian Casinos with her husband.
Her greatest passion is writing and she loves to make people laugh. She believes there is no better feeling than putting a smile on someone's face or making them laugh out loud. She knows her books may not change someone's life, but she hopes that they will make people forget their problems for just a little while and lighten their hearts.
When she's not pounding away on the keyboard, you might be able to find her lurking on her FaceBook page, giggling over funny pictures and exclaiming over shiny crystals and gemstones. Stop by, like the page, and give her a shout out. Don't forget to visit her website and sign up for her monthly newsletter for news on upcoming release dates, contests, and more.
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Visit her website at: www.theresaparkerauthor.com
Follow her on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1qRpSxL
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This debut novel is a funny and fast paced paranormal mystery, which I really enjoyed and read in two sittings.
Palmer's chatty style of writing is charming and witty and immediately drew me into the story and didn't let go. The main character, Andromeda (Rommey) is feisty and amusing, her descriptions of her family, especially Nanna had me in stiches. In Rommey, she has created an interesting and likeable character, solid enough to gain a loyal following of readers. I do hope this talented writer does work on a series.
The secondary characters were well portrayed especially Detective Cavanaugh. The relationship between him and Rommey was well thought out and I loved the humorous scenes between them. I felt it was Rommey's wonderfully bohemian family that really made the story stand out and brought the story to life.
The plot was entertaining and pace was maintained throughout.
The only criticism I can make is, the suspense could have built up a little stronger, especially when Rommey and Cassie visited the mines alone.
Overall an entertaining read and I'm looking forward to Rommey's next case.
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