Title: Conklin's Foundation
Author: Brooke Page
Publisher: Brooke Page
Pages: 436
Becca finally found her courage and faced her tormentors head on to get what she deserved: respect and Tyler Conklin. Becca’s faith in Tyler is solid, but is he willing to completely open up to her? They both have past baggage, and as Becca says, Tyler’s is particularly old.
With everything they have been through, Becca and Tyler know that secrets get them nowhere. They have made great leaps and bounds in their relationship, but Becca can’t help but feel he is still keeping something from her. Between the local detective snooping around and asking questions at the Conklin building and Tyler’s evasive answers, Becca remains skeptical about his excuses. The detective seems more interested in Tyler’s father’s “projects”, but Tyler’s hands seem to be in the pot as well.
Unfortunately, Tyler’s past comes back in his face along with his shady business. Will Becca hold true to her new found confidence and claim what’s hers… including Tyler?
Conklin's Foundation is the second book in Conklin's Trilogy, written by Brooke Page. I read the first book, Conklin's Blueprints, and fell in love with both Becca and Tyler, as well as the book and the author. I finished Blueprints and immediately one clicked this one so I could immediately continue reading this amazing love story. I was not disappointed.
Again, I highly recommend this book by Brooke Page. This second installment picks up where the first one stops without a cliff hanger. I do recommend that you read this series in order. It's not a bad thing because you'll not want to miss a second of Becca and Tyler!
Unfortunately, I do not have the option to one click the third and final book of this series. I have to wait impatiently for it to be released and THIS has thrown me into a book hang over. I may not be able to read another book until the next book is released. There is no cliff hanger. I just can't get enough of Tyler and Becca.
Once again, I'm amazed and awed by the talent that this brand new author possesses! One click now and see for yourself!
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